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shopping, video games, music show, and a bit of fun

So yesterday I went shopping for cooking things. I got a new set of pots and pans, some baking pans, a spice rack, a crock pot, some corningware and a bunch of utinsils and bowls. Yeah I went a little insane. But I spent a large chunk of yesterday washing things, and putting them away. I still have another load of dishes left, and I've already done 4. So that was a lot of fun. I am looking forward to cooking and baking.

At around 6:30 or so, I headed over to Josh's and we played some video games. Josh was planning on having a movie night when Jen and Jen showed up, but they had yet to show up, so we filled the time by going and getting a movie and playing some Def Jam Vendetta. Of course I lost...cause well I suck at it, but it's still fun.

I didn't stay for movies though, I had made a commitment earlier in the week to see some friends of Brandon's do a show at the Vaudeville Mews. The bands of the night were The Invisible North, Sleeper Cell (friends of Brandon's), and The Envy Corps. We came in during the Invisible North, and well..I could tell that individually they were all fairly decent musicians, but they definately needed more time to play together to get a more cohesive sound. After a while of listening to them, it got kind of annoying, because they really weren't together. I think that if they were they'd be able to have a much better sound. After a bit of setup, Sleeper cell took the stage. I got up to see what they'd sound like, and immediately was stunned by their sound. It started off with the Nortorius TWC (Todd's Neat Futons, etc), breaking out in some lyrical flows, with Andrew (I think) (Ok Go), and the Bastard (I think) supporting with a synth and a guitar and an Apple Powerbook. It was quite entertaining. Some songs sounded kind of sea shantyish, others were melodic rap, others a kind of alt rock. I throughly enjoyed it though. So much so I bought their CD (which was a hand painted cover, every cover being diffrent, and a burned CD). They had the stage presence, which the first band lacked, and quite the entertainment. They ended their show with a song, made up on the fly...and the title was, and I am not making this up, "Surfing Newtons Third Law on a Sea of Cheese" (I even text messaged myself so that I would get it right). Which was quite entertaining. The night ended with the Envy Corps. While not near as bad as I thought they'd be (one of the guys I thought I recognized and everything I've heard from the guy I thought it was like hitting your hands with a hammer), they were boring, and were not entertaining in the least to watch. Listening to them...meh. Val and I had a discussion after the lead singer said that the last song was about killing your dad and this one was aboug killing your mom, that maybe we were too jaded to listen to a bunch of upper-middle class kids whine about life...that could be I guess.

After the show, Brandon offered his house for Sleeper Cell to crash in, so I was their guide all the way back to West Des Moines, to thier house. Some beer was bought and the Bastard handed out some of his latest work (haven't listened too yet) and people got to chatting. A little bit after that Josh called me on the Cell and said they wanted to play Scene It and time travel. So, being summoned, I headed back to my house, and beat them here by a few minutes.

Josh and Jen, dominated Mikey G and Jen and Myself and...uh...this other guy for most of the game. Mikey and Jen caught up near the end, but Josh and Jen still pulled out the victory. At around 5 in the morning, people decided to call it a night and headed home.

So it was quite the fun day.