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I need a drink...

So work today has been dredfully unproductive trying to figure out why we are having a problem...which, hopefully is resolved now...

So I went outside to get change from my car to get a soda, just a bit a go, and it felt really good having the cold air blow around me and my lack of a coat.

I wanna go home and have a glass of scotch...and I do have some, but not the one that I like (Laphroaig.

So I've been listening to a lot of podcasts recently. What is a podcast? Well basically it's a radio-type-show done and setup for easy download for your mp3 player. So here's my list:

dl.tv (don't have time to actually watch the video)
Infected by Martin Sargent
Michael Feldman's Whad'Ya Know - All the news that isn't
NPR: 7:AM News Summary
NPR: 7:PM News Summary
NPR: All Songs Considered
NPR: Health and Science
NPR: Most Emailed Stories
NPR: Story of the Day
PC Gamer Podcast
Security Now!
This Week In Tech

I may trim out one or two, since, well, it is taking up most of my day...which sometimes is ok, but if I miss a day, I suspect I'll get behind a lot.

I'm also a fan of Digg (But still read the /. You can actually see what items I digg. So that's kinda cool.

My boss asked me to come into work early tomarrow, just to watch and babysit our old server (new servers coming this year and this year's almost over). 3 days left on benfits...and the extra server load will be gone...mmm...gone...at least for a while.