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So it snowed this morning, I spent about an hour cleaning off the walks and driveway. Not to bad. Then I spent an hour on the phone doing some support...so then I was late for work...but since I spent an hour working at home I don't really consider it late at all.

The kittys have decided that I'm a good place to sleep. Usually they'll sleep on/around Shannon, so it's a new experience for me. I don't much like it. Even though Shannon usually takes the vast majority of the covers, I'm still covered and with that comforter on there...quite warm. Adding the kittys, which is like adding a personal heater, is just to much...several times so far, I've woken up in the middle of the night, got the kittys off and then threw the covers off just to cool down...

This weekend I get to meet Shannon's Co-workers and bosses in a social setting. this should be interesting. DJ Swamp is also playing here in town, so Hopefully I'll be able to see him too...although there will be some overlap between the show and the Christmas Party, I hope not so much that I miss DJ Swamp...the opening acts...although i'd like to see, I'm fine missing...