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More fun with CPAP and other things

So the last few nights, I have been taking my mask off (without remembering it at all) and not turning off the machine. So this morning It was hanging up, like I store it, and blowing air. Yesterday, it was on the floor, running...This is also bad cuase I was trying to get an idea as to how long I was wearing my mask during the night. The one night I actually got recorded, it was about half the night (3/6 hours). I was reading on my bed the other night and ended up taking a nap (while Shannon was downstairs studying) and when I woke up I was far more tired then I was when I went to sleep...So maybe this mask does good...but I still don't want to wear the damn thing. My little sore on my nose from the mask is almost healed (been wearing a bandage over it at night).

I'm glad I have my appointment with and ENT guy next week.

Tonight, is my last night alone in my house. Shannon's stuff is sitting around the main level of my house and upstairs and downstairs all packed up, waiting to be put away. Tomorrow, Shannon and her kitties (George and Gracie) move in and make my house their primary recidence. Shanon has already gotten mail at my house (from qwest about moving) and a phone call (from a job interview she did earlier in the week). I've updated the message on the voicemail and everything. We've had a disagreement on placement of kitty litter boxes (she says that experts say that the number of litter boxes should be the number of kitties + 1). I know that there aren't any great places to place them (other then the laundry room downstairs)...but we'll come up with something. Maybe if my bathrooms were a bit bigger...

I tried Pepsi Lime this morning. And well...it's not very limey...it's pretty much just pepsi as far as I can tell. I was finishing up my bottle around 10:AM and took my blood pressure meds with it...it was funny...caffiene + blood pressure meds...ok...not that funny, but it struck me as funny.

I found out what happened to my brother at the spelling be, why the site was kinda misleading. Apprently he got enough points to go to round 3 last year, but missed it this year by one point. So the combo of the inital verbal round and a written test he just barely missed the cut off to be on TV. It's still pretty cool that he made it that far. And he did get a pretty good haul from the bee, it sounds like.

Shannon and I talked about money...and I kinda explained why I had so much PTO, which I never really thought about. This next paycheck I'll break 9 weeks of PTO (360 hours). And when it comes down to it, I don't like going to places by myself (I had fun in KC with her, and when I visited Nathan out in Boston that was fun) and most of the time I just don't have the money to actually go somewhere. I also like the idea that if I lost my job, they'd have to cough up 9 weeks of pay...