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mmm...air conditioning

So I went to Stogdills yesterday after work and picked up a new Air Conditioner. Not a huge selection, but something to work for us, and on close out, so I got it for about 1/2 of the retail cost. I'm really starting to love that store...my microwave for like 2/3rds off, and nice A/C unit for about 1/2 price...I can't loose.

Anyways. From time of leaving work to getting it all installed and done, it took me about 2 hours. It wasn't bad at all... So we're still toying with the level of cooling so I woke up once last night and adjusted it cooler (another time cause Shannon was telling me to put my mask back on).

So now we can just leave it running when we are up there (which is pretty much just to sleep), rather then all the time. So i'll turn it off when I get up and probably turn it back on when Shannon gets home from work.

We'll see what this does to my electrical bill...