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So as long as my last post is complaining

complaint 1

I will continue to complain.

On the corner of 44th and Franklin, near my house, quite a few times over the last couple of weeks, people treat the stop light there more as a stop sign, then a light.

When I'm walking in the morning, more then once while I've been crossing the street (with the light) and people barely stop for me.

When I'm driving, lots of cars just wait for the others to pass before crossing the intersection. Not turning right, crossing the intersection.

It's obnoxious is what it is.

complaint 2

On the other side of the coin, my mask is a big annoyance. It seems that when I just get over one irratation on my nose, another one comes and replaces it just as it heals.

I used to sleep all the time on my side, but with the mask it's kinda impossible. Last night I curled up a bit, next to Shannon, and the next thing I know she's waking me up because the mask is squeeking cause air is escaping and basically humming against my face.

And while we're on the mask, because of it it makes it hard to cuddle up next to Shannon. She can fall asleep, but as soon as I do, I wake her up again, with my obnoxious snoring.

complaint 3

One of the two drugs I'm on for high blood pressure, apprently turns my bladder into that of a little girl. I have to go all the damn time. One of these days I will keep track of how often I go, just for curiositys sake.

And...I can't understand why I have the toughest time that when the time hits 10:AM I take my pills, 10:AM every damn day. Today I didn't remember until 12:30....usually I'm good on weekdays cause I have my calendar remind me to take 'em, but I was away from my desk today. Maybe I need a watch to beep at 10:AM every day.

complaint 4

Is there a way for the cats to say, "I don't like the way you are petting me", without them biting me? This morning, I had extra time, so I was watching a little TV before work, and gracie was next to me and I was petting her. So I go to reach to her rear paws to check her claws, to see if it's time to trim them, and apprently she doesn't like that, so she nips at me. I tell her no, she runs away.

I think that's enough for now.