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ring gets more expensive and the no duh comment

So I got a call yesterday from Joseph's Jewelers and so I called them back, and apprently the estimated price for my white gold wedding band, due to gold prices, was way off. The 18k white gold wedding band I had ordered was originally estimated to be aroudn $375 (she said right up front that it would depend on gold prices), so after checking, Apprently the ring would go up to around 600 something. That's quite a diffrence. She also suggested the 14k white gold and that one would be around $400. So I checked out the diffrences, and 14k gold is a bit harder, so I figure, why not. So through all of that, I got the 14k white gold ring ordered.

So we were looking for photographers last night. Some of the websites, I couldn't believe that those were their best pictures. Off balence, bland, boring pictures dotted most of them. Apprently they're also freakin expensive. Most of the ones that I did actually like either didn't quote a price (expensive) or the price quoted was a little more then I thought it would be (for maybe 4 hours of work). Maybe I can get Adam to hook me up with one of his poor art college student friends that actually takes good pictures and then I can give them like a third or half of what some of these good photographers charge.

I am starting to understand how my co-worker Deb, says that she is trying hard, but having trouble keeping in her budget. Of course she is having quite a bit more extravegent wedding then we are...but still.

So here's the no duh comment. Weddings are expensive.

I'm not sure, but from my understanding of how the whole wedding thing works for my siblings, I get the impression that I'll be spending more on my wedding then all of their weddings combined. But that's probably the Mormon thing though.

This has also caused a bit of stress between Shannon and I, cause all I really want is that piece of paper and be married. So that we we are legally a unit and I can get her on my insurance and we can get on with the spending of the rest of our lives together. (I worry about her not having insurance.) We are going to try to cut a lot of corners and there are things that are already gonna handle that. No booze (sorry guys), wedding and reception in the same place (no limo), her mom's making her dress, the brides maid dress, and the flower girl dress, placing the wedding at such at time where we don't actually feed people meals but just snacks. Small wedding cake (two tier), sheet cake for the guests (maybe even I'll make the sheet cake).

Tonight, we're going to look at a retired church, converted into a wedding chapel. We'll see how that goes.

I am a bit miffed that I forgot about the DMMC meeting tonight...but...well...I did, so I guess that's that.