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Panic! and Gramma

So after work yesterday, I went home, changed, ate some dinner, and headed over to the Val Air Ballroom to see the XBox 360 tour....well ok I went to see Panic! at the Disco. The rest of the bands I didn't really care that much about.

So the first two bands, well...they were ok, I guess. The second band started and I was like hey that's a good intro, then they started singing and then I suddenly didn't care anymore.

Panic! started and it was pretty good. The last time I saw them, the lead singer said that he was a bit sick and having trouble, and it really showed. They were really good live, before, and they were better this time. The second song in I got a call from Shannon (at home, not her style of music), that told me that my dad called about my Gramma.

So I spent most of the set wondering what was going on, is gramma sick, is gramma worse then sick? did she break something?

All these things kept going through my head, it really was terrible.

so when the set was over (since I could barely hear brandon and val and they were yelling right by me), I tried to find a quiet corner to call my dad.

I did get the gist of what was going on, Gramma's got an infection, She's in the hospital, we're hoping for the best. Some of the more finer details I'll leave off, since it's her life, not mine. It was still hard hearing dad, cause even if it was a bit quieter, it was still pretty loud.

After the next band started, I pretty much shrugged at them and headed home.