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Salad Explosion

So this morning, I'm making a salad from our salad leftovers from the night before. A mix of lettuces, cheese, bread crumbs, hard boiled egg, and tuna.

So I crack the egg, peel it, and George (the kitty), starts rubbin on my leg, trying to get attention and tuna, since he has now associated peeling an egg with tuna.

So I cut it up, add it to the salad, and get the can of low sodium albacore tuna, open it, drain it, set it down and to prepare to give George and Gracie their tuna treat, but apprently I wasn't fast enough.

We have one rule in the house, all flat surfaces, the cats aren't allowed to be on. Not on the coffee tables, not on the tables, and definately not on my kitchen counter.

George Jumps up on the counter and starts sniffing around (as if I wasn't there), so I grab him, and I think he quickly realized that he was in trouble cause he went wild.

Toaster, in the sink.

Can opener, in the sink.

Salad, cheese, bread crumbs all over the counter, sink, floor, everywhere...

I squirted water in George's face, he claws me (left hand), escapes and runs off.

So I then spent the next 20 minutes or so cleaning up the mess, and remaking my salad and bandage my bleeding hand.

Yeah...fun morning.