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Cholesterol Screening Results

So It wasn't as bad as I was suspecting...but lets just go through it here.

For my Total Blood Cholesterol Level I was just a little above the line, so no real worries there.

For my LDL level I fell in the Near Optimal/ Above Optimal range according to the American Heart Association.

So here's where the bad stuff comes in...

My HDL's are too low...So when I heard that, I asked if that meant that I needed to eat more rich, fatty foods, like I like so much, she laughed and said no. She did say that weight loss, excersize and Omega 3 Fatty Acids would be good, either by supplement or by fish (so Josh, this is where you give me a recommendatation).

The other bad news is that my triglyceride level is in the "High" category....

But here's the thing, It's all good. The doc's not so worried so no more pills for me, at least for now. But we are gonna keep an eye on it.

So that's the story...