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That Irish Shoppe, you should shop there

So from time to time, I can be forgetful; Friday was one of those days.

So I mowed the lawn Friday (taking time off to avoid my PTO bank max), and after getting cleaned up, I decided to take a nap.... or more realistically, a nap decided to take me. I woke up remembering that I had told Shannon that I would go get gifts for Isaac (attending our guest book) and Ben (because I'm being supportive of his choices, his gift that we bought wouldn't work).

So I headed down to That Irish Shoppe

So I went in there, and was having trouble finding something for him (Ben's gift was pretty easy). First off, I got there about 3 minutes before they closed, and they kept the store open for me (well not just me, they also had someone coming to pick up wedding gifts). Second, while she was wrapping up the gift for Ben, since we were having trouble on what to get a young teenager, she sent me down the street to another store (not in any way related to them) where the other store helped me find something for Isaac (which is neat). I headed back, paid for Ben's gift, and headed home.

And this is where the really good service comes in.

I left my wallet at the store. I've never done that before (one time a store didn't give my credit card back to me on accident, which I then cancelled). But I think I was playing with my wallet, set it down to sign the receipt, and then just didn't pick it up. So since I had ordered things (special order) a few times over this past year, She called me. Told me that I had left it at the store. And not only was she willing to put it in the safe for me to pick up tomorrow, she was willing to meet me to give it back to me at a place in between the store and my house.

I turned my car around, and headed to the Des Moines Art Center. And shortly afterwards, my wallet was returned to me, all safe and sound. I can't tell you how much it means to me.

We are going to be buying things from there for a long time.