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iPhone & PS3

So in talking with Shannon and showing her the way it works this morning, I got the statement, "Ok, but only if I can get one too". hee hee...Of course between the two phones it'll be about as much as we spent on the laptop last year...(doh!) (last night when I got home and she was sleeping and I asked, I got a no...but I think that was just her sleeping)

As part of my weekly meeting with Chris about the game, we met over at the Crib last night and talked for a short time about the game and then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening playing with and goofing around on the PS3. The graphics are pretty good and the few games we played were fun, but there was nothing really there that made me want to go out right away and get it. I'm still sticking by my original statement, I'll probably get one when the next Final Fantasy game comes out on it...before that...I'd rather have a gaming PC (Supreme Commander comes out this year, or at least it's supposed to).