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A new Era

In Rainbows, Radiohead's new album, marks a new era in my music purchases. I have bought single songs, but never an album entirely electronically. It was easy, and I liked that I could name my own price, but apparently I was a bit off, due to a faulty calculation on the exchange rate.

The problem lies in DRM. I love music, I hate being limited. If I buy the music, what do you care if I have it on multiple devices, I bought it. I find it frustrating not to be able to what I want, with music I own. I also find it obnoxious to vaguely be called a criminal, when companies makes claims about music, like needed to own a CD and an electronic version of the song.

I am not a pirate, but I feel like I am being treated like one...even though I have stacks and stacks of CDs.

It is good to see all the DRM free actions that are happening, now, from Apple to Yahoo. I still find it frustrating that I have a Netflix account, but since I don't have a PC (at home), I can't use part what, in theory, I'm paying for, since their on demand video requires windows.