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An eventful weekend

So Friday, early in the day, Brandon got a call from Val and headed home. After hours of no news, I got a call from Brandon around 3 or so, that they were heading to the hospital. They didn't know what, for certain, was happening, but they'd let me know.

So time passed, we got ready to go to Chris and Holly's Halloween Shindig. We dressed up as relatively lame versions of Piglet and Pooh...

The party was very fun. I made a pumpkin bourbon cheesecake. It turned out very well, and people seemed to enjoy the cheesecake. Not bad for a first time. They really went all out with the party, lots of food, lots of fun and quite a bit of silly costumes.

A bit later, Brandon called to announce the birth of his son. Woo!

The party eventually died down, Shannon headed home, since she had to work in the morning. Then the Lan Party began.

Quite a few of us played Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. It started off being fun, and then kind of was not. Dusty and Ryan, who play it quite a bit, were one the same team, and it went from a balanced game, to a not at all balanced. Honestly it wasn't fun at all. It's not that I don't like loosing, I don't like being dominated...especially when the teams are 2 (Dusty and Ryan) vs the rest of us. Sounds fair...but it still wasn't, since 2 of us, for certain, hadn't played before that day. It's kind of hard to figure stuff out and be in competition with good people. Anyways, they broke apart the team, and it started to be fun again. Some of the controls of Quake Wars were kind of awkward, I thought, but maybe I just need to get used to it.

Around 3:30 AM or so, Dave drove me home, and I went to bed.

Around 7:AM, I got up, showered and got ready for Jimmy to show up to fix the roof. He showed up a little bit after 8 and got to work. I spent a good chunk of the day catching up on TV and occasionally napping. Eventually Shannon came home, and we got ready to head down to Lutheran Hospital to visit the Boelmans. Broderick slept in my arms for a good two hours, before it was time for his feeding and for us to go. It was nice to see them and they seemed to be very happy.

We headed home, and I pretty quickly fell asleep...3 hours of sleep will do that.

Sunday we headed out to the Des Moines Community Orchestra to see Holly play. They had a movie program. I did wonder why they didn't have any Danny Elfman, but it was still a really good program and fun to listen too. Afterwards we headed over to Macaroni Grill with the Hettingers and Holly's mom.

Busy busy weekend.

Today...good lord I didn't understand how much work that Brandon does...Not having him and not being able to tell people to wait for him to get back has been very stressful. I didn't get an ounce of project work done. I switched from answering questions, to supporting benefits, to answering more questions, to supporting the intranet, back to benefits. It is kind of silly. Anyways, I hope I don't need his help too much, the 3 weeks that he's taking off should be his own...