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iWork vs NeoOffice

So the only thing that I really use word processing or spreadsheets for, on a regular basis, is the spreadsheet that I use to track our finances.

It's fairly simple, there's a section for money in for checking, and one for money out for checking and the same for savings. with a second part that keeps track of regular bills on a monthly basis (a summary).

I must say that they do look pretty slick and probably will easily bill graphs and what not in iWork. It keeps it nice and organized. Each section has it's own setup, so I can adjust the rules, text, shaping and size without affecting anything else in the other sections.

NeoOffice, I have been using for a while, and it works...very utilitarian, very much like excel. I'm not a big fan that everything opens on the same engine, but that's not a big problem. But it works and it's what I've been using for years.

They both do exactly what I need. And the only thing that I want it to do, I don't think either of them do (I know how to do it in SQL but no clue on a spreadsheet). So it really comes down to:

Functional + pretty + 79$



Will I pay 79$ for pretty?...ehhh...not so much. Maybe if the financial picture wasn't so strained, I would...but then if it wasn't so strained I'd probably donate to NeoOffice too...Either way...I'm sticking with NeoOffice, for now.