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This country makes me tired.

It is easy to throw around words like freedom. People often forget what this actually means. Freedom is often portrayed like it is maintain what the current way of life. Shopping, mowing the lawn, driving your car, filling up with gas, just keep on keeping on like there is no problems. Lock away the problems, anything wanting to take away money from the big corporate donors is deemed to be illegal.

This is not freedom.

I'm tired of my rights being limited, just because you don't like what happens. If you do not like what you are hearing, it doesn't make it wrong, not should it be illegal. People have a right to say things, if it challenges your beliefs, Good! If your beliefs can't take a little hit, then maybe they need to be reevaluated. Just because a book has supposed questionable material, doesn't mean it shouldn't be read. Recently around here, another book was challenged because some person didn't like depiction in the book. Books are about what the author wants to portray or experienced. There are all parts of life out there, what can it hurt to know that there are people that have had awful lives, or are questing the very foundations of our lives. People have all kinds of experiences in this world, and not all of them are suburban living. Learn about them, understand what is going on and open your mind a little bit to the world around you. I say that you can always find nuggets of truth, occasionally, from people that you don't agree with (a friend recently pointed to a Newt Gingrich article that I found interesting).

I'm tired of "pundits". I use quotes because I cannot consider these people experts or opinion leaders. The point they use is that they say the same thing over and over and over. Therefore, since everyone is saying it, it must be true. Keep the point short, keep the words similar, and then it'll get across to the masses. It's never that simple. Basically what is happening is that we are being led like cattle using red herrings (gay marriage, illegal immigrants, freedom, etc). If you elect the other guy, they'll force your child to get married to a gay illegal immigrant. You don't want your freedom to have grandchildren be limited do you? Come on! It's just silly. And what I can't believe more, is the people that buy into the nonsense.

I'm tired of single issue voters. You cannot only be concerned about one issue. It's just obnoxious. There is more to life then guns, abortion and kids. If you vote on one issue, that means you ignore all others. So your candidate may be against abortion, but they're also for you spending your life in a work camp...I mean happy camp. If you don't look at the whole of the candidate, then you shouldn't vote. Every time I see one of those "I'm voting for kids", it makes me chuckle, cause it makes me think that that maybe who they are voting for has the brain of a child...

I shouldn't have to trust the the government is doing right. If I'm interested, I should be able to get reports on the topics that I am interested in, easily from a non-partisan organization. I understand that somethings need to be secret (troop movements and what not), but why can't I have reports on the inner workings of the government? Why do I have to ask for it?

It just makes me tired.