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Week 27 Cooking Results


Fish Tacos were good, though some of the indgrediants had already turned and couldn't be used (cilantro). I don't think I'll ever buy tuna like that again...it just wasn't that good...but...they were cheap, so really, what do I expect, being here in the middle of the country, you have to spend a lot of money getting fresh, or just kind of forget it.

I got the fridge mostly empty by the end of the week, then threw things that were either turning, or about to turn. I kind of made up a recipe for new potatoes that we had with left over chicken thighs. We had Berkshire pork and made sandwiches out of it... So nothing too spectacular (the roasted new potatoes, were very good and I will be making them again tonight).

Friday night we went to Proof. We had several things that were quite delicious (including probably the best strawberry ice cream I've tasted). Proctor, Chad and Mikaela (sp?) showed up to see what desert was and wished me a happy birthday.

Saturday was game night. Attendance was fairly light, but still fun. Two of my brothers came up from Cedar Rapids to join in the party. Joseph actually smoked a couple of Berkshire pork shoulders for me, and pulled them, so we served pulled pork for dinner. It was really really good. I also bought a cake from Let Them Eat Cake. It is German Chocolate cake and it was really fantastic... I have cake creation envy... Honestly I couldn't believe the price, it was so reasonable. I'm glad that people joined me and am looking to the next one in September...or maybe late August to see if maybe I can get my brothers to come again, before Isaac heads off to college.