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New Site design, new host...

While the host that I had previously had was a bit sluggish (espicially at high use periods) but it left me with some stuff to play with, but that's really not the point of this site.  It's for me to put and share stuff with friends and family...why not make it easier?

Like my previous site, Keith was a helping factor in the desing and getting stuff all nice and designed.  While ocassionally we don't see eye to eye, generally I like his web design sense.

I've always been curious as to how SquareSpace has worked, so I decided to give it a try.  My contract ended with my old provider ended a little over a month ago, so I renewed it for a month or so, and started playing around.  I have been looking at CMSs for many reasons (through vmware at home to try out Drupal and others) and it sure is a box, a fairly flexable one, and it has a decent UI for those who are not the greatest at doing it to put it all together.

I'm pretty thrilled with the whole experience so far, but the real test comes when I start to see real statistics. and real load times off of it.

So we'll see.  Anyways, turnsout.com new and shiney.  Let me know what you think.