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2011 - Week 47 Cooking Results & Thanksgiving

Chorizo and Scrambled Eggs Breakfast Taco

This was just meh.  It was quick and easy, but meh.

Penne with Spinach, Gorgonzola, and Walnuts

I didn't end up making this.

Roast Turkey Breast prepared with Iowa White Spread (experiment)

This was a little experiment, to figure out if my chosen method of preparing the turkey would taste ok.  Now in my mind, it would work out for the best, but as it came down to, it I didn't want to risk my Foxhollow turkey on my thought.  But it did turn out well.  It was mildly spice with the spices in there, and left juicy and delicious, even though most of the fat melted off.  So based on that, I was able to move forward in a more confident fashion.

Grilled Cheese and Bacon Sandwiches with Cheese Curds

This recipie turned out good (even though I skipped the bullion cube).  It was a generally good idea but took to many pans to make (for a simple meal).

Grilled Cheese and Bacon Sandwich


So a few notes here.  First and foremost, it is very good to have help on this day.  Joseph was invaluable and Shannon was quite the time saver (rotating dishes, helping plate things, etc).  I need a better way of estimating how much food to make for everyone.  We have lots of leftovers.  As far as prep went, I put off some things that I really shouldn't have, and due to work requirements had to start later then I wanted on a number of things.  Because of this Wednesday was a very brutal day and I got 3 ish hours of sleep before I started again on Thanksgiving.  And one final think, do not dump stock, until you are certain that your gravy is right.

Thanksgiving went off pretty well.  We did run out of space, when we were getting ready to serve and heating up dishes.  We had gravy, sweet potatoes and green beans on the stove, and smoked turkey and stuffings in the oven, so there was no place to put the mashed potatoes, so they were a bit late to the party.

Turkey before cuttingI think I did pretty well in carving...I am certainly getting better.The mains and sides1 ice cream, 2 custards, 5 pies, 1 cheese cake, and cookie bars