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2013 - Week 43 Cooking

I've had to make a lot more decisions about the cost of food lately, due to an unexpected rise in bills.  But really what this means is that I go from a ridiculous amount of money on food, to only a mildly amusing amount of money on food.  But what it has led to is a lot less of exploring in the farmers market.  I end up with the fixtures from several people, but not a lot of trying new things, or vendors, because after I get what I "need" I don't have any money left over.

Yesterday I made a side trip to reserve a turkey, because my normal turkey source retired (she deserved to do so, but I still miss her)  and it's been awhile since I've seen them, since I would occasionally buy goat and duck from them.  But at least things will hopefully be better in July, or a bit earlier.  We'll see.

This week will be pretty easy.  I'm working more, but not totally crazy hour to prep for benefits enrollment 2014.  I'm mostly done, but the last part is proving to take quite a bit longer than I expected, but the results will be a lot better for both tracking and the people looking.