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2013 - Week 16 Cooking

Busy week.  By the time I remembered to reserve eggs from Blue Gate, it was to late, and I didn't think I'd have time to run down there anyways.  Less then 48 hours before we swap over to the new name and It'll be hopefully less crazy.  I have most of the things done, that I need done.  Only a crap ton of things to do on day one.  I guess we'll see how it all works out.

I'm old and my hands know it, and are suffering because of my age.​

On a more positive front, I'm making a starting attempt at growing my own herbs.  I bought a couple of pots to grow some herbs on the deck.  The basil that I planted last year, didn't have enough water to make it through the year and go to seed (my own fault, well and the weather too).  The chives my mom planted are still growing well and are already coming up.  This means before to much longer, we'll have chive blossoms.  I'm not willing to make to much of a starting investment, because I don't want to fail and have spend lot of money doing so.  So we'll see how it turns out.  (We also got a hedge trimmer, finally.)

Even though I've started working normalish hours again, I'm not sure how the week is going to play out, so I'll plan for a lack of time, and go from there.​

Last night we made smoothies with my newish stick blender.  The frozen fruit we had was mixtures (except blueberries, but Shannon's not a huge blueberry fan), and tended to be a bit on the tart side.  So the notes we had, were probably need some juice to make it smoother and need more sweeter fruits.​