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2013 - Week 38 Cooking Results

So things got a bit weird this week, power outage on Thursday, delays in cleanings on Friday and thing Game Night on Saturday, so things got delayed.  I also had a melon class on Monday (I still made dinner), which was great, but I seem to have misplaced my notes. 

Jamaican Rice & Peas with  Jerk Chicken Thighs (Habaneros)

This turned out really well, I was quite happy.  It was spicy but not too much (replaced some of the habanero with jalapeno).  The beans may have been a bit underdone, but not so much so that it detracted from the dish as a whole.  It was the 2nd to last of the chicken from Fox Hollow, which makes me sad.

Spicy Carrot Sandwiches

I had planned on using some carrots from table top, but they didn't survive the previous week in the fridge (who really thought they would?), so I picked up some carrots and made this.  I used some sourdough made by Joseph and then made my own hummus (I had actually forgotten it needed hummus, but just happened to have the right ingredients to make it) .  As always, they turned out well.

Classic Chicken Teriyaki (p224 Food & Wine July 2013) 


Aged Gouda and Prosciutto Toasties  (trying to duplicate this from the good people at the cheese shop)

Not bad for a first try, I think it would work better in a thicker pan, rather than a cookie sheet, allowing me to get that quick initial sear, that was lost as soon as I took the cookie sheet out of the oven.  I also put the wrong tomato in the middle, the one I used was too juicy, making it a bit too messy.  Anyways, research will continue, and even with all that, it was still pretty tasty.

Bacon (Big Boy), Egg, Arugula and Tomato Sandwiches

That's some pretty good bacon.  the sandwich was good to, but that's some pretty good bacon.

Chicken Soup

Making...right now...

Other things

I sacrificed my first pumpkin of the season this past weekend.  I made some of my own pumpkin puree and then proceeded to use that in Pumpkin Cupcakes (modified) and then some spicy pumpkin seeds (various spices and some lime juice and olive oil).  I picked up this pumpkin form Tabletop, but I'll probably get the rest of 'em from Grade A Gardens, considering they didn't balk when I said I'd go through 10-15 or so in a year.

So people can look forward to pumpkin bread deliveries perhaps a bit early this year.  Though I got to say, between the pumpkin cutting and the other kitchen things, my hands / arms hurt right quick.   

There is no longer a "getting" preface to the "old"...it's here...though early in my hands and arms, maybe a bit in my hair...  Oh well.