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An Open Letter

Dear Guy in the Ed Hardy T-Shirt

First, I don't claim to know know the situation for all things, but I'm pretty sure that A. Reel Big Fish show doesn't generally lend itself to, what can only be described as "Grinding" B. that amount of perfume needs to be used on probably 15-20 people.

As evidence that A is really not the way to be a circle formed around the table that you were at.  This circle got ever wider while you and the lady you were with grew ever wider, while the other table next door, just had a very narrow space around it.  You left for a bit, and it closed in a bit, and as you came back, the space widened around again.  The show is for all the people, not just for you.  I'm generally ok with PDAs, but at some point a PDA becomes something entirely different and something that should be in an area where this acceptable, as in not in the middle of a musical performance.

For B, I admit I have a sensitive nose, but I was not the only one that had a comment about the amount of offensive scent.


Everyone around you.