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Tree Trimming, before and after

So a lady from the city stopped by, and at first, my neighbor was all excited because she thought her numerous complaints about the lack of curbs on Franklin Avenue had finally had some notice taken.  But it was not that.  Apparently someone had complained about the obstructed view from 43rd to Franklin, while going left.  This was certainly a justifiable complaint.  Most springs and fall we cut back the tree sprouts that come up from around the tree in our front yard.  So, this picture here, is a nice view of what the tree looked like a year ago (I got tired of looking for a picture of my own).  It's gotten a bit bushier since then.  I saw the point and started to get to work.  I got the view cleared and on the advice and help of my neighbor across the street (Lonny) we proceeded to cut back all the other parts of trees and used his electrical saw to trim the tree and make it look, well, tree like.

Tree After

There are a lot of cut pieces left over.

The cut leavings

I have to say, that the tree does look a lot better but the 2 days of effort (so far) have really been taxing to myself.  Anyways, one more thing to do, and it'll be all gone.

Update 06/15/2014 1:17 PM

Thanks to Sean of Juan O'Sullivan's for coming by and hauling away and helping load the brush pile.