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2014 - Week 26 Cooking Results

Grilled Cheese with Garlic Scapes

Ok so I still had some of the chive blossom chevre left, so I used that, but I still have the Garlic Scapes Chevre, so yeah this'll get done next week.  I'm really liking the way these are turning out.  Basically it's Country Italian with Prairie Breeze and differing flavors of Chevre.  Good stuffs.

Lemongrass Chicken

So this was easier than I thought, though, when I went to go make it on Friday, it said you need to marinate the meat for a couple of hours to 24 hours.  So I packed it up, to marinate, and a bit after getting back from the Des Moines Art Festival, I cooked them up.  Good stuffs.  Simple, nice quick.

Chipotle Rubbed Salmon Tacos

After starting the Lemongrass Chicken, this is what I moved to.  This also came together quickly.  I could've sworn I had some chipotle powder, but looking in the drawer, I did not, so I swapped out for Jalapeno powder.  This, of course, added a similar amount of heat, but not the smokiness.  I suppose I could've added a spice that had been smoked, but I didn't really think about it at the time.  These turned out pretty good and that takes us to the end of the Salmon.

Chicken Salad

I've been craving chicken salad, especially chicken salad with dill.  I added a good amount (not to much) and it made for a good meal.

Stir fry with Curry Sauce

So I thought I had soy sauce, but I only had a tiny amount left, so I winged it.  Not that this recipe didn't already call for winging it to some extent.  So I just vaguely followed the directions and riffed with what was in the fridge.  It worked out pretty well.