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2014 - Week 28 Cooking

I go early to the Des Moines Downtown Farmers' Market to generally avoid the crowds.  However this past Saturday, shortly after I checked to see if they were going to delay, they announced a delay.  Since I was not aware of this, I headed down to the market.  I, umbrella in hand, made it over to Grade A Gardens.  Since the market was closed, the vendors were bracing for the rain, wind, thunder and lightning and I was told that people couldn't sell until 10.  Not sure what to do for the next 3 hours, I eventually made my way home.

I was more than willing splash my way through the puddles (some minor street flooding too) to make my rounds, but I don't think everyone would've been willing to transact with me (especially with the warning not to from the DTFM group).

The day before (Independence Day) we headed over to a BBQ hosted (at least it seems to be (CJ & Kari's house, invited by Brett)) by CJ, Kari & Brett.  Food people always have the best get togethers.  Only a handful of items were purchased, most lovingly made.  This included the best potato salad I've ever had, a whole roast pork (into tacos, crisp skin into my mouth).  I got compliments on the cookies I made (even though I wasn't super happy with them) and Joseph got compliments on his (for the short time they were there).  A little boy (3 or 4?) followed me as soon as he saw us arrive, to where I put them down, and then grabbed one.  It was a nice combination of people that I knew(ish) but may not remember their names (not an uncommon experience for me) and a handful of people that I've had a several year mild friendship with (similar interests, shared spaces).

We met Old Sam (older dog (I heard 12 and 13 years old over the course of the party)) and Bam (younger dog) who were both very good natured.  Anyway we had a good time and felt good to be included.  We had a good time.