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2015 - Week 18 Cooking

DTFM!  Next weekend.  Sam needs local food badly.  I'm scraping the back of the cupboard for jams and jellies and salsa.  Time for fresh cheeses, fresh veggies and herbs.  Grown in dirt, nearby.  Plus there is the excitement of what new this year.  New produce vendors, new prepared foods, it will be a surprise as to who will be seen.  Though I know that there will be at least one great loss this year (though I totally understand why).

So one of my new favorite things is Wild Yeast Bakery DSM's sourdough with some of Reichert's Dairy's Robiola.  I picked up some of the first batch at the cheese this year at the Cheese Shop, and squeed a bit.  I also got a sneak peak of chevre (red pepper), which I may have consumed in its entirety with pretzels, when I was a bit intoxicated.