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2015 - Week 31 Cooking Results

Spicy Carrot Sandwiches with Hummus

Good as always.

Big Daddy Onion & Bacon Fat Risotto (topped with toasted breadcrumbs)

Not really following a recipe, but what I've done over the years.  cooked the onions a bit first then the rice, then started to add warm stock to it.  At some point I added some bacon fat.  Yeah this probably isn't an every day thing.  It was pretty good though.

Bacon and Kimchi Burgers

Simple, I used a seasonal Kimchi from The Brinery (can't remember the name right now, but it was really quite good).  A very nice combination of things.

Kimchi Fried Rice


Baked Italian Sausage Pasta (or not baked, depending on Mozzarella availability) (topped with breadcrumbs)

Baked!  Good things.  Simple combination of ingredients, some good sausage.  Baked for a bit.  The Iowa Sourdough made for a good topper for this.  Certainly more then just adding a bit of texture to the top.

Shredded Cod salad (one filet of cod left)

I'm going to have the cod for lunch today.

Grade A Gardens had some tomatoes at their stand.  So with that, some 14 day Sourdough from Wild Yeast Bakery and some jowl bacon from crooked gap farm (not present).  Om nom nom nom.  So good.

I've been slowly using the last of the honey that I got last year from Blue Gate, but at the market yesterday, they had quite the spread of honey, so I picked up a big jar.  Woo!

Update: 10:52:  Kimchi is Adam's Great Escape.