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2016 - Week 46 Cooking Results

Dried Beans & Hocks & Parmigiano Reggiano Rinds into...something

So my brother used the beef stock and reduced it down...which was great since it was unsalted, it didn't build down to extra salted.  He didn't use the rinds, like I suggested, but it was his call, and I was happy to come home on a Monday (or Tuesday? though I was late, very late), be able to just dish up some beans and put them over rice.  Good stuffs, and everything that went into it, was something I already had (local dried beans, hock from crooked gap, etc)

Loaded Hot Dogs with Chipotle Mayo (modified)

Pork Hot Dogs from Crooked Gap, but other then that it was pretty much following the recipe.  Good stuff, maybe a little salty (fritos are really salty to me now).  Hey look at that, there is a lightly salted fritos...

Ham & Mushroom Quesadillas

A bit more prep then one might think for quesadillas, but it made for a pretty good meal.

Anthony Bourdain's Mac & Cheese


Crispy Skillet Turkey Burgers

Pretty good stuff, maybe a little more carb heavy then I should have, though.  Which I suppose is the drawback here.  You could get away with using a bit less bread crumbs, and try to get some of the crust from the cheese?  Anyways  Good stuffs.