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2016 - Week 15 Cooking

Weight loss once again continues.  Loss:  13.37% / 9.44% (Peak / 2016).  Even though I didn't get in the walks that I should've (trip to madison, some oversleeping).  I did mow the lawn for the first time this year (crab grass grows faster then grass), even though the weather keeps messing with the plants.  Anyways, less snacks.  I even had a modicum of self control when we went to a Mexican restaurant after volunteering at the Planned Parenthood book sale, and only ate a few tortilla chips (rather then bowl after bowl of them).  Also had a taste of the chips that came with my lunch in Madison (no other healthy options) and just left the rest.

The food strategy program that I'm semi-required to participate in makes me continue to roll my eyes at the misuse of statistics, combination of science terms and total bullshit.  Oh well.  I keep having hopes out there, and looking around and even some that claim to be science based seem to to have a sprinkling of science here and there, then, feelings and nonsense.