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2016 - Week 28 Cooking Results

Lobster Rolls

Shannon loves lobster rolls, lobster in many things, so being at CostCo, I thought hey, lets have a little treat and lobster it up.  It was pretty good.  I may have added more cayenne then was intended.  But still good.  We used some sourdough.

Spicy Lobster Pasta

This was pretty good.  Got to be careful on the carb count, but good stuffs.

Spicy Pork Salad

Delayed!  I made pork burgers cause I wanted a burger, so I have to thaw some more pork.

Sloppy Sammy's (tonight)

Good as always.

Eggs and Bacon (something in some combination I don't know yet, something with bacon, may break down and get a BAT, but I don't have tomatoes grown in dirt yet)

I wanted tomatoes, then I was reminded why I don't like tomatoes not grown in dirt.  *sigh* Tomato season will be here soon.