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Thinking on Social Media

After seeing my general phone usage stats over the last few weeks, I’m becoming more thoughtful about how and why I use it. For the most part, this is what this (website) is. Habit, planning, general expressiveness. It’s for me, if other people read it, that’s fine, but it’s for me. I’ll use it as a reference for what I’ve cooked before, where we’ve gone, as sort of the official history, and to help me remember the timeline.

As it stands, I’ve been reducing my usage. I don’t think I’ll stop, because it can be a useful tool, but how much do I really need to use it?

I think this coming year I’ll try to be more social in person with people that I’ve fell off with due to depression cycles. I’ve also thought of posting things here, instead of Instagram, but that feels like I’m forcing people to come here, rather then putting it where they want to consume it. I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.