2019 - Week 26 Cooking Results
Pangrattato Pasta With Pepperoni
I suspect that the pepperoni used was a bit fatter then the one I used. I had to supplement the rendered fat a little to season the breadcrumbs. That being said, this came together really easily and quickly and was quite good.
Kimchi Udon with Scallions
I saw that my local store had these in the refrigerated fresh section and dug this out of somewhere. I had just enough kimchi in my old jar to make this work (picked up more) this also came together quickly. I did change that I just mixed in whole eggs instead of topping them with a yolk. Quite good, I didn’t even get a chance to have the leftovers cause Shannon took them first.
Bacon & Pork Burgers
Om nom nom.
Chicken & Broccoli Stir Fry, sort of following this
So this is about right, it flavors the meat a bit and the process of cooking the vegetables is simple and good. So it’s a bit of prep while the rice is cooking and then a whole lot of execute while it finishes. That being said I need to find a lid to my medium sized sauce pan, cause the tiny pan is not big enough.
Garlic Scape Brats
A Little milder then the ones at the garlic fest, but quite good.
I played with alcohol a bit. I finally did stage 3 of the rhubarb bitters (4.5 days overdue).
I also started some elderflower vodka.
As an extra meal I felt like making some grilled cheese. I was inspired a bit by The Chef Show.