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2024 - Week 33 Cooking Results


Last of the large diameter hot dogs in this batch. Good Things.

Pork Burgers

I intended to make these earlier in the week but due to a change in work location for Shannon it wasn’t convent for her to pick up things on the way home from work, until later in the week.

Roasted Tomato Pasta

With the tomatoes I got and roasted late last week, I did a rough puree in the food processor, added these, some Italian sausage a bit of onion and a can of tomato sauce to loosen it up a bit, herbs and spices and a good meal fro all. Leftovers were good.

Pittsburgh-Style Haluski

Blue Gate had cabbages, and this was left from the last time I searched for cabbaged forward recipes. In this case this used the whole cabbage, but after the cabbage and onions cooked down I cooked some Kielbasa sausage over them as they and the noodles finished. I cut up the sausages and stirred them in with the noodles and the sour cream. Good meal lots of cabbage for good and just tasty over all.

Bok Choy Lo Mein (Modified)

I was going to replace the mushrooms with chicken, but when it came to the day, I decided I didn’t really want that. So I quick seared off the chicken, boiled the thick spaghetti noodles I picked up and ta-da chicken Alfredo (used some CostCo bought Alfredo sauce). Went over well, came together in the time it took me to boil water and then cook the noodles.

Something has been causing my mind to just spin a bit, which is the first time in a bit. Worrying about my brother’s upcoming surgery, or who knows what else, but I got garbage sleep for several days in a row leading to further darkness in my mood. The ability to recognize it is a good thing, but it is still hard to deal with. I finally got a spectacular night of sleep on Thursday night and felt much better on Friday.