
Bringing back memories

So we went to the Des Moines Community Orchestra's performance today. It brought back a lot of memories of my childhood. They started off with Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns. I remember that we had a tape of this and would listen to the songs of the animals and dance like the animals with my brothers and sisters (we were very young).

They also played Peter and the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev. Images of the Disney cartoon danced through my head.

They did a wonderful job. There were a few other selections (PDQ Bach (Beethoven/Schickele), Aaron Copland, George Kleinsinger), and they were good too. But I hadn't heard them before, so it was a new experience.

It was the most full I've ever seen one of their performances. Lots of kids. Most left before the second half, which is two bad.