
More Birthday and more

So Eventually Shannon got up from her nap, the cake was frosted and we lounged around for a little bit before I made Lobster Alfredo Pasta (when I say this many people have been surprised that I can do more then bake, but since I bake from scratch, isn't it not much of a leap to be able to cook).

It turned out pretty well, I think, and Shannon liked it too. That, with some bread from Basil Prosperi, made our dinner. It was good. I was satisfied, Shannon was pleased. The cake was good, the frosting was really good. I wasn't as pleased with the cake as some other cakes I've made in the past, but the frosting was chocolate with more then a hint of orange to it. So it kind of made the whole experience better.

We watched a movie, both talked to my parents, and went to bed.

Yesterday was an all IT meeting that went pretty much all day...

That night we went over to Chris' and watched Some Like it Hot. With Chris and Holly. Brought over the leftover cake and shared, and got good reviews. Apprently even with the promise of cake, we can't get more then Chris and Holly to show up...

Oh well, their loss.

I brought a piece to Brandon today and Proctor yesterday, got some very good reviews. I'm pretty happy.


Even with the good reviews, I've been a dreadfully grumpy mood today, I just don't wanna do anything. I'm tired of a bunch of things and just wanna take a break.

Maybe I need a vacation...

Apprently after hosting a message board for 8 months or so, my message board is no longer needed. Maybe I can set something else up for say my CR circle of friends or something...I dunno...maybe I'll just nuke it and be done.