
Another busy week

So on Sunday we headed over to the east side to Courtie's Graduation party. It was a good time...even though, intiially, we were confused, since we didn't recognize anyone at first, but then saw Courtie's mom and continued from there. The food they had was pretty good (cavatelli). It was a good time. Even though Jen already said it, we did get to see Courtney nekked...well a picture, when she was a youngester, playing in the mud....naked... A bit later we headed even futher east to Jerry and Renee's Baby shower at Renee's sister's. We arrived a bit late, since the time of both the partys overlapped. But in hanging out there, when we got up to go, I couldn't find one of my shoes. Apprently one of the children had carried it off into the kitchen. Afterwards we headed home for the day.

Wednesday we had movie night at Chris and Pat's. We watched Guess Who's coming to Dinner. It was pretty good. Great charecters and a topic that could still be consider sensative today (though much less so). They certainly played it off pretty well though. Is a well educated, important, sensative person, even though they are of a diffrent race, ok to marry your child? Or on the opposite side, someone who's well bred and rich good for you child? It was a good movie, and a good way to spend the evening.

I've started to help Shannon study for her upcoming exam (in June). I really think that she is an auditory learner.

Thursday night, I made a Jerk chicken marinade (out of a recent Bon Appetit. I had to modify the recipe a little since they didn't have any habenero peppers at the store...actually both stores I went to, I ended up using jalapeno peppers. I left the chicken to marinade over was very green.

So I put the chicken into the oven about an hour before my Parents, oldest sister Cara, and youngest brother Isaac got here. This was, I think, the last of my siblings that Shannon needed to meet.

So I also made my first risotto too. I couldn't find the rice that was suggested to use and only one kind of medium grain rice. I made it to match with the chicken, and it turned out very well...I used olive oil, a white onion, green onions a coupel of jalapeno peppers (all choped up), the rice, some white wine, heated up chicken broth (store bought) (a lot more then I thought would be in there), and then finally some spices (ginger, basil, and crushed red pepper) and quite a bit of parmesan cheese.

I gotta say that I was really happy how both things turned out. In what I read about risotto is that it is easy to mess up, having it go to long, stiring to much, or to little, to hot or to I was happy with the taste and the consistancy.

The jerk chicken was good too. It was at about the limits of Shannon (and also Cara's) spiciness. But it was so good. Spicy...the mixture of spices (a lot more then I thought would be in there) along with the heat from the peppers.

The food got good reviews all around the table, and everything (even the two baggetts) was devoured (no leftovers). Joseph did miss out, but we sent him some of the suace I made from the jerk merinade.

We all headed down to Stam for some Gellato and afterwards they left and we headed home.

It turned out pretty good :)

Coming up:

Third round job interviews
3 days off
Matta's coming up to visit
Mother's day
Pastor visit (for marriage ceremony)
Engagement Photos
Memorial Day weekend (camping)!