
So I woke up...

So there was a knock on the door, and this couple was outside trying to collect money for this Brazilian school, for, of all things, camera cell phones. So I try to explain that I'm not interested in giving because, I didn't even have one and I don't see why kids in Brazil need them either, espically if I'm paying for them.

They are very insistant. The lady in the couple asks if she can talk to Shannon (who's upstairs getting ready to go out), and before I can say no, she's already upstairs, talking to Shannon... She starts walking back and forth between the rooms and they guy at the door is still talking to me (trying to keep me distracted).

So she came downstairs and is all talking about how she understands why we are not interested in giving and how it's ok and how we have such a nice house. So she is carrying this clear plastic binder and I think that I see keys to our house in there.

So I ask them to stop, and I grab it and look inside and it is one of our keys (I could clearly see the ILCO label stamped on there). So then they confess and they were going to use it to steal our identities. They didn't think that it would be too productive, since they didn't think we owned the place.

So I tried to call the cops, and the phone was busy, over and over and over. It was disheartening. Then I thought about calling the locksmith (a guy down the street works for them), but before I can do that I think I see something on the back porth and the door is unlocked so I open up and look.

It's my younger brother Jed, playing guitar and singing...

And then I woke up...with a strong urge to change my locks.