
Study, er fun, er study...Oh and Cleaning too

So we spent large portions of this past weekend cleaning the house. We had been deliquent in doing it for a while and the place really needed it. So we did the main level and the lower level on Saturday.

Saturday afternoon we headed over to Target and did a bit of shopping (stuff Shannon needed for the most part), and then met Chris and Holly (and Pat, Chris's Parents, Holly's mom and sister and Holly's sister's friend) at Crave over at West Glen (conviently next to the target we were at).

We ended up at the Bar and Grill side instead of the fondue side. It was...well...not bad at all. The price was fair and the food was good. It wasn't outstanding or anything. But it does make me curious as to the price of the fondue is quite a bit more then the regular meals there (60-80$ for 2 people for a 4 course meal). Holly said that the fondue place they had been to in Kansas City was similarly priced though.

The waitress took quite a long time to split up our checks and when she did, she forgot my beer (I'm not gonna complain about that) but when she brought it back, she gave my check to Chris's dad and his check to me (yeah...uh...and we didnt' figure it out until it was all signed and stuff. Neat 'eh?).

So we got out of there and headed up to Jordan Creek Mall to the theater to go see Cars. We met up with Dusty, Dave, and Ryan there.

Since it was 7:30, which is the movie we planed to go too we ended up going to the 8:15 (hoping for less children). This also allowed me to run to the apple store to get Toast (of which the part I really wanted is still not working for intel based macs). Shortly after I got back, we headed into the movie.

One funny bit here. Shannon got a water, with the obnoxiously priced 3.25$ for half a liter...I also got a way over priced water...but I got the whole liter...for a 3.75$ not much of a diffrence for half a liter of water...

So Cars was a good flick. There was only one spot where I really felt bludgeoned by the moral of the story, but I did laugh lots and enjoyed myself.

Afterwards we headed over to Chris and Pat's and ganked some Pork that chris got for helping a friend with the World Pork Expo.

Sunday we cleaned the upstairs. I made beds. Yes, beds. and vacuumed and straightend and started some laundry. Shannon cleaned the bathroom.

Afterwards, Shannon studiied and I made a lame ass attempt at updating our wedding site. I did add some additional data. and made it match more with our color scheme.

After Shannon got tired of studiing we watched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. And then some new HBO shows. Good end to a Sunday.

Shannon's off at a review session right now, so I've had the house to myself for a few what do I do? I dink around at watch Shaun of the Dead.