
Happy Birthday to Chris, Holly and Pat!

So even though this week was short, it was full of meetings and short on real productivity. My frustration with our primary vendor for a content management system has been very high for the last month, but after making some remarks to a sales rep there, I was quickly taken care of (making the total ticket time for the request just under a month). It's still not fully done, but at least it's too the point that I can install the system on our new server (which was my goal).

Friday, we (Deb, Michelle and I (Keith had to go to new hire class, and Brandon had the day off) went to a new chain resturant called Red Robin. It was ok...the fries were good, but the burger (they claim as being the best), was good, but certainly not the best that I've had. And it was free...they want to start the word of mouth, or test their staff in a real rush and maybe get those kinks out, which seems like a good idea to me. We just left a tip.

Friday afternoon, I finished up all my tasks for the day (of the list there were many), and left work a little early. On my mind was hair cut and washing my car, but since my car can wait, I went and got a hair cut, and then I remembered I needed to pick up pictures (we got some photos resized, and some slides made into pictures). They are pictures of us, while we are young...(I said there when I was looking at them, "Was I ever this young?").

When I got home, the M&Ms that we ordered were on the kitchen door's porch. Two big boxes, 19 pounds of chocolate covered candies.

After Shannon got home from work (6:30 or so), we headed out to Culvers for dinner and then came back, picked up the cakes, wine, dopplebock, and Crainium and headed over to Chris and Pat's.

Lots of snacks (pickles, olives, chips, salsa, etc), lots of wine. and in looking around I did notice some Scotch on the counter, still in it's box and so I investigated and found that Dusty had brought it. So With his permission we opened up a bottle of Macallan 12 Year Old.

It has quite a bit of heat to it, so we both added an ice cube to it to mellow it out. Much better. Dusty was also talking about a scoth that he had that smelled like a leather store, but tasted really's slipping my mind as to what it is.

Holly broke into the Carrot Cake, and several people had some, it got good reviews.

Eventually a game of Cranium Happened, with Shannon and I on a team, Courtney and Holly's Mom on a team, Chris's parents, and Holly and...uh...that one girl. Holly's team was far in the lead, but through efforts on our part and me just randomly guessing action words (running), Shannon and I ended up winning.

I moved over to the poker game that was playing in tandem and proceded to loose all my chips (no monetary value) to Chris's Mom (otherwise known as the Card Shark).

But this point I was drunk and looking for more things to drink, so chris and I moved to the cheaper wines, and drank some more.

After the game of Scene it was done, Shannon drove me home, and I went to bed....Shannon had to wake me up to brush my teeth and put my mask on.

Good Party, Lots of fun.

Happy Birthday Chris (a week from yesterday), Holly (yesterday) and Pat (26th)!