
Superman Killed Kumar

Saturday, we headed down to Cedar Rapids to meet up with the Mattas to celebrate Nathan's birthday. We ended up leaving a little later then we planned, so they (Nate, Jenny, Taylor and Cali) headed towards the Fireworks that we were going to see, and we headed to their house to drop off our things and head out to the Kirkwood campus.

So we stopped to get a freedom fest button (since they had a spare one), and then headed in to the event. There was a 7$ charge to see the a military band, and the CR orchestra and then follow it up with fireworks. A little silly, but what the hell, the company was nice. I figured that between the freedom fest sponsorship, and corporate sponsors and the cut from the food vendors, that maybe, it'd be free, but apprently not.

It turned out to be a good show, and we had really good seats to see both the band and the orchestra (seperate stages), but instead of doing things in time with the 1812 overture, they just had fireworks afterwards...Oh well. It was still a good show, and I got some great pictures, both of the enviroment, the Mattas and us, but also of the fireworks. I tried the firework setting on my camera and it turned out pretty good.

Sunday, we went out for a picnic at Ellis Park and had a wonderful chicken salad with bleu cheese. Afterwards, we chatted for a bit and then we stopped by my parent's house to drop off a couple of slides that I had barrowed and then headed home.

Monday, I was lazy, I took the extra day off. Shannon had to work. Monday afternoon we went to Fuddruckers for lunch. It was...well good, but not the best, the I liked that they don't freeze the meat, and they have options like buffalo and ostrich (which I want to go back and try), but it wasn't the best burger I've had, but not bad at all. Then we went to Superman. It was good. I had heard some bad things from movie reviewers, but it wasn't near as bad as they said. I enjoyed it, so did Shannon.

Today we had a picnic. The chicken salad that we had on was so good, that I made it (it was a recipe in Bon Appitiet). And we met out at a part of Waterworks Park that apprently not many people know about. In attendence was Dave, Jan, Jerry & Renee & Baby, Jen, Dutty, Courtie, and Adam and Tiffer. Good times, good times. Several people were late, my shorts (which were already worn out) made the leap from worn out to garbage but splitting from the pocket to the lower end of the back pocket. Luckily my boxers were a simliar color. We tossed a frisbee around and played some bocce. Eventually it broke up and we head home (others went to play disc golf and others went swimming).

Good extended weekend. And a short week ahead.

Happy Fourth!

Happy Belated Birthday Courtie!