
Stuff and Things (mostly wedding)

Wedding things to do:

  1. Call Places to make sure everything is paid for/All good

    • Bakery

    • West Des Moines Parks Department (Reception)

    • Candle Lit Way

    • Photographer

    • Tuxedoes

    • Cop

    • Reverend

    • PA people

  2. Make final Catering decisions

    • Tell caterer that we want smaller portions but more of each (so you don't need to feel guilty trying more then one thing)

    • Make red wine decision

    • Tell caterer about gift table dressing

    • Give final count for caterer

  3. Rehearsal Dinner

    • Meet with Coordinator on Thursday at 11:30 AM

    • Make menu choices

    • Give them count for rehearsal dinner (check with people for count of who's coming)

  4. Put mail on hold

  5. Sign Shannon up for Insurance (starting 10/1)

  6. Get Courtie setup with wireless access for her laptop and key to house (she's baby sitting the house)

  7. Airport Shuttle/Taxi RSVP?

  8. Bring Cell phone charger home this Friday

  9. Find out when Family/etc are getting up here (and what tasks we can give to them)

  10. Get Cash for cop.

  11. Board kitties on Friday 9/22

  12. Figure out when to get Proctor's Audi A6 (and if we need to trade a car for it) and when to get it washed and waxed.

  13. Burn CDs For wedding (pre, during, after)

  14. get iPod setup for music

  15. Get PA system (or get Brandon to get it)

  16. other stuff?

Oh..and we also took in our MacBook for the random shutdown issue. Not dreadfully happy, but, the support that I received was remarkably pleasant and quick too (I think I was on hold for maybe 2 minutes this morning). So to decrease the total turn around time, I took it into the Apple Store. Hopefully we'll have it back in a week or less.

Today I figured out that I need a better backup solution. It took 6 hours to back up a bunch of data of which, most of it hadn't changed (95% of the pictures were already there, 95% of the MP3s already there). So the search continues. Maybe the backup thing that comes with the next version of OSX will be the solution, but I don't know if I can wait that long.

We saw Chris and Holly's new town home (congrats!) Chris, Holly, Holly's Dad and Chris's parents were all there painting and putting in new light fixtures (which I liked). It's actually a nice layout and design, with nice things in there. the only thing I saw as a drawback was the front hall (which is shaped oddly and very small).