
Andrew bird with Loney, Dear at Hoyt Sherman

We (Chris, Holly, Shannon and I) were running a bit late from our dinner at Alba so we headed over to Hoyt Sherman found a place to park and quickly headed in to see Loney, Dear already on stage. I liked them. The music was kind of a wave of sound. Songs would often start of fairly quiet pump up and then end back down in quiet territory. The brought out the member of the backing band for Andrew Bird (including Martin Dosh) and also one brought up Andrew Bird himself for a song. I think I may buy their most recent album, and then see where that goes (Which is why I bought the Haley Bonar albums).

After some stage wrangling, some musical chairs (apparently the people that were sitting on my left side and stolen one of the seats so they could sit together), over hearing some vapid conversation (have the young nothing better to talk about?), Andrew Bird took the stage.

He started off all by himself, like I remember seeing him the first time. After a bit Martin Dosh and a couple of others came up and joined him.

I enjoyed myself thoroughly, it was a great show.