
2010 - Week 42 Cooking

So to enjoy the wonderful weather that we have been having lately, before it disappears for a few months, we decided to take a trip out to an orchard.  Since we really don't want go to one in town (no offense to the one I can think of in the city limits, we headed out to the Wills Family Orchard.  We got a few pumpkins some apple products (butter, wine, sauce, and actual apples).  It was nice to get out and take a small trip, even though I had thought that I kinda wanted to be lazy yesterday.  It worked out for the best.  At the market yesterday, I bought a ham.  I brought it home and tried to put it in the freezer and found that I had a problem.  So I reorganized the meat and the freezer part in general, to get it to fit in.  I doing that I found that I had quite the collection of meats, so, it's time to use some of what I was storing for winter (apparently) and use them.