
2010 - Week 46 Cooking

So the goal for the upcoming week is to empty out the cupboards, fridge and some of the freezer.  This is in preparation for thanksgiving.  I have my turkey (Iowa raised) reserved at Gateway.  So one of the first things that I'll have to do on that Monday before Thanksgiving is to get it in to the brine (since it's not going to be processed like other turkeys).  I still have to come up with the menu for thanks giving, but Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, lefse, salad and pies.  Green Bean Casserole (only if I can get fresh green beans) is something that we've been talking about.  But to me Thanksgiving is really about turkey, mashed potatoes, and lefse.  I'm hoping that my stash of homemade lefse has survived the freezer and will be good (or I can get a special delivery from my aunt).  So meals this week will be about using stuff at home and going from there.  Also, on Saturday is the first of two winter markets, so I have to prepare my freezer for that.  We'll see what they have there.  I will have a good old time at the market, though Shannon will be there to keep me from going completely insane.