
2010 - Week 25 Cooking

Since we both had taken Friday off, Shannon because of the dance recital and me because I tend to take every other Friday off, we had lunch together at Proof. It has been a while since we have been out and it was nice to eat there again and be out with my wife.

We went to the Sushi House (wow, that's an ugly website) in Cedar Rapids for dinner before we went to the Dance recital for my niece (from Shannon's side).  They do a pretty good job there.  I have been thinking lately that sometimes things that I have been doing.  I think that some things have become more of a delivery device for condiments I love.  I almost made it through the entire meal without using any soy-sauce and wasabi combination.  With the last of the California roll I made up a bit of the mixture and had it with it.  But I actually think I enjoyed the sushi more without dousing it in soy sauce.  I do the same with sandwiches, brats and hot dogs where they have become more of a delivery device for the hoagie relish I like so much.  Honestly, it would be better for me if I didn't put it on there, I suppose, but I don't call it my crack for nothing...

I took my Dark Chocolate Tart Cherry Oatmeal cookies down to the market.  I gave a few cookies to Sean and Becki (Juan O'Sullivans), Carly (Proof), and Lois and Ben (Reichert's Dairy).  Reviews were overwhelmingly positive.  I had meant to take the rest of the batch down to Shannon's sister's family...but between the combination of them leaving early and me forgetting, it didn't happen.

I have to rethink the way I do things a bit.  In Ad Hoc at Home Keller writes how recipes should often be made over and over so you start to know how things are supposed to look, feel and smell when you cook them.  So with me making new things nearly every week, I don't often get that repeat things that I make...  But on the other hand, a lot of the items that I make are of similar ingredients, so I'm still left with similar cooking methods.  But I think there are things that I'm going to start making more often (in similar, but slightly different preparations).  So, for example, I'll be making roast chicken again this week (more practice using butchers twine, and slicing up the chicken after cooking).  I have a bit more to go (like 2/3rds), to get through the book, but you can certainly tell that there is a lot of love directed at the process and product that goes into making the dishes that are in the book.  Shannon has also given me permission to get me his other two cookbooks.