
2010 - Week 29 Cooking

So after being so excited at the possibility of Iowa and Des Moines being featured in a No Reservations episode, we were led astray.  Even though two places are featured on the episode's web page, there was nothing in the episode about it.  They included such midwestern cities as Austin and Denver.  Honestly I don't see how Austin and Denver are in the "Heartland".  But that's just me.  Anyways I was disappoainted even more so because I actually watched it live, and that, is a rare occasion, a rare occasion indeed.

I am always happy to see promotion of my town in one way or another, and to get some exposure on a nation program, hopefully not in a bad light.  Des Moines has made quite the strides even since I moved here.  I am glad to see it grown into more and more of a city that I love to live in.

It got real warm and humid real fast at the market this morning.  I suppose it didnt help that I was wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt.  I really need to rethink my clothing, though my collection of black shirts is kind of large, so it would be a major shift.  By the time I had my shopping done, I was getting very uncomfortable, so I headed home, did a few more chores and then procided to hide in the basement.

I have slowly been reducing the frozen meats and etc in my freezer and I finally got tired of it, luckily for me there was a meat sale, and I stocked up.  Beef, elk, emu, buffalo, all have a home again in my freezer.  It's nice to see if mostly full.  Maybe I'll allow myself to stock up on pork, though I think I'll probably wait until the end of the regular market season to do that.

I'm doing this a bit early so I can make my grocery list, and get my shopping done early so we can go to my parents to visit w/ my oldest sister.