
2011 - Week 39 Cooking Results

Ham and Duck Egg Sandwhiches

So the duck eggs are from my friends at Fox Hollow.  So here's the thing.  You know how you occasionally get a double yolked egg?  I've got more double yolked eggs from Fox Hollow then I have from any of the other eggs that I've bought, not just year over year, but year vs 5 year period.  It's quite amazing.  With that, we got a double yolked duck egg.  I will admit, that the duck egg was huge, and it's not surprising that two yolks were in there, but even with that, it is still kind of amazing.

Double Yolked duck egg on Ham, Cheddar and toastSo I have some of the last Berkshire pork that I have in the house (a ham) on there.  I do love their pork, but am still recovering from a lot of spending early in the year (on my health), and would like to order more from them, but that's just not going to work for now.

The open face sandwich was pretty good.  Shannon got the double yolk, and I got two eggs (well two open faced sandwiches).  I served them with some oranges.

Probably the last BLTs of the season

I used the leftover bacon from the chili making to do this.  And I have to say, by comparison, it's not eating bacon.  No don't get me wrong, generally bacon is good, it's really hard to make bacon bad, but when you compare really good bacon, to just mediocre bacon (and we've been having some really good bacon recently), mediocre bacon doesn't really shine as much in comparison.  It was stunning how disappointing it was, taste wise, compared to duroc pork bacon.

That being said, fresh tomatoes, bacon, mayo and spinach?  It made for a good meal.

Tacos! (with leftover chili)

Just a little preparation a little chili reheating and tada! meals done.  Just that easy.

Split Pea Soup

So I tried to spice this up a bit.  I added a tablespoon of smoked paprika.  All in all I don't think it really added much.  Though maybe a bit of smokiness, which you could certainly smell when the elements were combining together (before adding the chicken stock).  But it was a pretty easy thing to put together.  And ended up tasting pretty good.  And it marks off another one of those fall favorites off my list.

Split Pea Soup


Credit where credit is due, again with the grass fed Coyote Run Farm ground beef to make for some delicious burgers.