
2011 - Week 41 Cooking

We went to the World Food Festival for lunch on Saturday.  It was fun and we went early enough that we didn't have to wait in lines or etc.  There were some new things there and some old favorites, but I still wish there were less American food vendors and more other vendors.  While we were in the East Village, we stopped by Kitchen Collage and AllSpice to pick up a few things (juicer, peppercorns, cinnamon (ground and sticks)).  Afterwards we headed home and trimmed the hedges.  It was a nice day for it.  It actually has been pretty amazing.  I think it'd be just a bit nicer if it got a bit cooler at night, but what can you do?

At the market, I bought a whole chunk of lemongrass from Cleverly Farms, and now I'm figuring out what I want to do with it.  So I think I'm going to try lemongrass ice cream, but I'm also going to do cinnamon ice cream this week as well.