
2012 - Week 41 Cooking Results

Sloppy Sammys

So these come together quickly, i really like them, I always make them with more mustard then one might expect (I've been known to eat mustard by the spoonful)​.  I used some local beef, it turned out like it normally does, different every time but usually good.

Creamy Tomato Soup​ with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

I had forgotten what time we need to get down to the Civic Center​ to see Les Miserables (excellent), so I was finishing this off, and then got the reminder that we needed to go.  So we had to wolf it down.  grilled cheese and tomato soup is one of those slow lingering meals you want to have.  You want to be able to enjoy the interaction between the slowly cooling soup, the melted cheese and slightly crusted bread, and how all that combined together makes this magical flavor combination.

I used a combination of Meadow Creek's Grayson and Caroline Hostettler​'s Sharfe Maxx as was suggested to me by the fine folks at the Cheese Shop recommended.  It turned out well, melted well, had a nice texture and a little bit of the good cheese funk (more on the nose then in the flavor).  Made on some La Mie crusty multi-grain bread, i turned out wonderfully.  We actually had this again later in the week (though not on the La Mie bread).

Baked Potatoes

So I caught some flack when asked what I was making baked potatoes.  Even when I said hey, they're from Grade A Gardens, something so simple and delicious as a baked potato.  I guess I'm impressionable, so I gave options for a sort of baked potato bar.  Bacon?  La Quercia of course.  Sour Cream, yes, cheese?  Some Cheese?  How about some Prairie Breeze from Milton Creamery.  Want some other thing?  How about some of the leftover Sloppy Sammy stuff.  Does that then make it a Meal?  Anyways, I like baked potatoes, these turned out well.  I had them in the oven and cooking at a lower temperature (350° for an 75 to 85 minutes).  I'd like to do a side by side comparison between the two methods (400° for 60 minutes), but I'd need two ovens...

Sweet Potato and Sausage Soup

Was going to make this for the Mattas Last night, but after getting out of T's swim meet and heading over to Bandit Burrito​ for a late lunch, by the time we got home it was 3.  We got ready to go to see Bill Maher at the Civic Center, they headed out to go see Frankenweenie.  So I may make it for lunch for them today, if it works out, if not, dinner tonight.

Roasted Squash (olive oil, salt and pepper)

I got home after leaving work 6:30 and stopping to pick up a few things​.  I was worried I wouldn't have enough time to roast the squash   So I peeled it...or tried to, then started to just cut the skin off with my chef's knife.  The wavy skin on the squash (I don't remember what it's called, but it was from Cleverley Farms).  I had large diced pieces, cooked them a bit w/ at tiny amount of water, then Italian sausage, then a bit of ricotta.  Then added in some pasta and a bit of parmesan   It worked out well.  The squash was tender but still had a bit of a bite to it, and absorbed a bit of the sausage and ricotta goodness.  Made for a quick good dinner.  The only drawback here is that when I had it as a leftover the next day, in the microwave being reheated, the squash became a little to soft, but as a reheated leftover, what do you expect?

Shepherd's Pie​ (visit from Mattas)

Note to self, T doesn't like things that may or may not have what could be perceived as gravy in it.​  Be that as it may, this still turned very well.  With the chilly weather, it fit.  I served it with some La Mie bread, and 5/6 people were happy with the meal.